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Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture

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No. Title Date
1. How you can make a difference in the nation's food-sufficiency rate 2012/11/05
2. Agricultural Certifications: Safeguarding the Nation's Food Quality 2012/07/03
3. Don’t Swallow Agricultural Chemicals 2009/12/31
4. Never Forget Where the Fruits Come from As You Enjoy Them 2009/12/31
5. Dealing with annoying pests problems 2009/06/26
6. The Organic Industry and Healthy Living 2008/12/09
7. A New Era in Safe Agriculture 2007/12/27
8. Top 100 Agri-Products 2006/12/29
9. Tracking System 2006/10/30
10. From Farm to Table 2006/10/26
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