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- Applied Toxicology Division
Applied Toxicology Division
The Division studies and evaluates the effect of pesticides and toxic substances on human health, animal health, and the environment. To facilitate in pesticide regulation and plant protection for ensuring safe and rational pesticide usage, the division performs risk assessment on pesticides and toxic substances as well as strategic analysis on risk management, development of safety assessment test techniques, and its regulatory quality standards.
In 1996, the division established a specific pathogen-free (SPF) animal house to support animal toxicological testing. In March 2010, the accreditation of GLP Laboratory was obtained in testing of animal toxicology, mutagenicity, aquatic and terrestrial environmental toxicology, and rodenticide. The GLP laboratories support pesticide companies in toxicology testing required for pesticide registration. Testing and diagnose techniques of necropsy method, histopathological examination, processing of tissues and specimens, and light/electron microscopy photography are developed to provide evidence for toxicity or clinical signs. Mode of action of toxic substances is investigated and its effect to endocrine and hormones are studied to evaluate its potential hazards on humans. Furthermore, the division works in rodenticide testing for rodent prevention and control, risk assessment for gene-modified crops and pathogen contamination on agricultural products, development of microbial origin herbicide and its safety evaluation, setting reference dose value (RfD, also known as acceptable daily intake (ADI)) for the establishment of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and pre-harvest intervals (PHIs).
Acute Toxicity Test
Chronic Toxicity Test
Genotoxicity Test
Management and Health Monitoring of SPF Animals
Commissioning Service for GLP Study
Non-target Organism Toxicity Test
Risk Assessment for Pesticides