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Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture

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Hit: 1921
Source: ACRI
Date: 2024/05/16


Do you provide inhalation toxicity studies?


Basically we set up this inhalation study with good laboratory practice (GLP) but the SOP (protocol) of inhalation study cannot be opened. Here is our Toxicology Testing Services (https://www.acri.gov.tw/En/Item/Detail/Toxicology-Testing-S). If you need to get inhalation study method then you can search pubmed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).



Could you please tell us what is the applicable residue definition for the active ingredient Spirotetramat in Taiwan Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) standard? In other words, how is this active ingredient measured for pesticide MRLs monitoring? Should we include also the metabolites and degradates in the sum for the measurement of the residue of Spirotetramat?The official list available at https://consumer.fda.gov.tw/Law/Detail.aspx?nodeID=518&lang=1&lawid=127 gives only a few residue definitions for a limited number of active ingredients (see attached image foot_notes_Taiwan_MRLs_with_residue_definitions.png).However, in other international standards for pesticide residue limits in agricultural commodities, the countries are setting different residue definitions (see attached image residue_definitions_other_standards.png). Could you please tell me what is the situation in Taiwan for this active ingredient?


To whom it may concern: Refer to the current analytical method for monitoring the pesticide residue in food(Method of Test for Pesticide Residues in Foods-Multiresidue Analysis(5), MOHWP0055.05, see attached file) announced by Taiwan Food and Drug Administration(TFDA), only the spirotetramat was included in the analyzed items. Other metabolite of spirotetramat, such as spirotetramat-enol isn’t in the analyzable list of above method. We suggest that you may provide the question about the residue definition of spirotetramat (include the metabolites in the sum for the measurement of the residue of spirotetramat or not) for TFDA, which is the competent authority of food standards in Taiwan.



How to get some additional information regarding registration process of plant protection products in Taiwan, any specific requirements, fees, form of application and providing documentation?


The relevant fees and required documents for pesticide applications will vary depending on the category of the applied pesticide. We recommend engaging a local agent for a more comprehensive understanding of the product's classification and to assess the associated review fees and registration process for pesticide products in Taiwan. To find a regulatory consultant and explore potential local partners in Taiwan, we recommend seeking out associations of pesticide agency in Taiwan, such as the Taipei Plant Protection Industry Association (http://www.taca.com.tw/index-1.html) or the Taiwan Crop Protection Industry Association (https://www.tcpia.org.tw/english/about). This will help you connect with relevant contacts and companies that can assist you with pesticide registration in Taiwan. 



A Polish company producing plant protection products is interested in introducing their products to the market of Taiwan.Could you please provide me with additional information regarding registration process of plant protection products in Taiwan, any specific requirements, fees, forms and required documentation?


The relevant fees and required documents for pesticide applications will vary depending on the category of the applied pesticide. We recommend engaging a local agent for a more comprehensive understanding of the product's classification and to assess the associated review fees and registration process for pesticide products in Taiwan. Additionally, it is suggested to visit the ACRI website for information on the application process for pesticide registration and data review (Summary of Requirements for Pesticide Registration - Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute (acri.gov.tw)).



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